What is Pentesting?

Pentesting, also known as penetration testing, is a security testing approach where a team of cybersecurity experts simulate real-world cyberattacks to identify security vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and applications.

By performing pentesting, organizations can proactively identify potential security risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them before attackers exploit them.

Our team of pentesting professionals uses the latest tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in your organization's systems and provide you with a comprehensive report detailing the identified vulnerabilities and recommended remediation actions.

Why do you need Pentesting?

- Pentesting is a crucial component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Here are some reasons why your organization needs it:

- Identify security vulnerabilities: Pentesting can help you identify security vulnerabilities in your computer systems, networks, and applications that could be exploited by attackers.

- Mitigate potential risks: By identifying and remediating vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them, you can reduce the risk of a successful cyberattack and its associated costs.

- Comply with regulations: Many industries and regulatory bodies require regular pentesting to ensure compliance with security standards and regulations.

Expert Pentesting Services

We use the latest tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in your systems and applications.

Cost-Effective Solution

Hiring a full-time pentesting professional can be expensive, especially for small to medium-sized businesses.

Flexible and Customizable

Our pentesting services are flexible and customizable to meet the specific needs of your organization.

What does Pentesting involve?

Vulnerability Assessment

Our platform identifies vulnerabilities in your systems, networks, and applications using automated techniques.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Our team performs manual and automated testing of web applications to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation.

Network Penetration Testing

Our team platform performs automated testing of your network to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Our team performs manual and automated testing of mobile applications to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation.

Report Generation and Recommendations

We provide a comprehensive report detailing the identified vulnerabilities and recommended remediation actions.

DMZ Penetration Testing

Our team platform performs automated testing of your DMZ to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation.

What are compliance prep tools?

Compliance preparation tools are designed to help organizations prepare for regulatory compliance. These tools can help identify gaps in your organization's compliance posture, and provide recommendations for addressing those gaps.


Drata automates your compliance journey from start to audit-ready and beyond and provides support from the security and compliance experts who built it.


Vanta helps you prove customers can trust you with their data, propels you to get compliant, manage risk, and show off your security - so you can focus on building and selling.

Compliance Scorecard

With insights and solutions tailored to MSPs, Compliance Scorecard streamlines everything from the governance management process to help you meet compliance standards.

Securily User Experience

How does it work?

  • Scoping

    We work with you to identify your assets and determine the scope of the penetration testing engagement.

  • Penetration Testing

    Our team of experienced professionals conducts comprehensive penetration testing of your network, applications, and infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. Using state-of-the-art tools and techniques, we simulate real-world attacks to provide you with a detailed assessment of your security posture.

  • Reporting and Remediation

    We provide a detailed report of our findings, including prioritized recommendations for remediation. Our team will work with you to develop a plan to address identified vulnerabilities and help you implement the necessary changes to improve your security posture.