Why choose Securily over others?

Liberate your team from compliance burdens our Pentesting Platform empowers your team to prioritize your product's development.

Policies Written
Satisfaction Guaranteed

Compliance Team

No need for your team to become SOC 2 or ISO Compliance experts.

Reduce Waste

We take care of every aspect to reach the audit minimizing waste.


Realtime support on Slack, Google Chat or MS Teams, for all your security needs.

Scale Faster

We have the insight to seal the deal.

Why do you need SOC 2 or ISO Compliance?

Achieving SOC 2 or ISO compliance demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a high level of security, privacy, and data protection. These certifications serve as external validations of your organization's adherence to industry-recognized best practices, thereby enhancing trust and credibility with clients, partners, and stakeholders.

Competitive Advantage

SOC 2 or ISO compliance can provide a competitive edge by demonstrating to potential customers or clients that you have implemented strong security and privacy practices.

Process Improvement

Promotes efficient and consistent operations, leading to improved internal workflows, better risk management, and enhanced overall organizational performance.

Customer Expectations

SOC 2 or ISO compliance demonstrates your commitment to data scurity and privacy expectations, which can lead to increased customer trust, loyalty, and satisfaction.

How does it work?

We have done it for customers around the globe, and have a proven process that will get you compliant in the shortest time possible.

Initial Assessment

We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your current compliance program, identifying any gaps or areas that require improvement.

Strategy Development

Based on the assessment results, we develop a customized compliance strategy that aligns with your business objectives.


Our team of compliance specialists takes charge of implementing the recommended improvements. We handle the day-to-day compliance tasks.

Compliance Monitoring

We establish robust monitoring mechanisms to ensure ongoing compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.

Training and Education

We provide targeted training sessions and educational resources to your team, fostering a culture of compliance awareness within your organization.

Continuous Improvement

Compliance requirements are constantly evolving, and we stay up-to-date with regulatory changes on your behalf.

What are compliance prep tools?

Compliance preparation tools are designed to help organizations prepare for regulatory compliance. These tools can help identify gaps in your organization's compliance posture, and provide recommendations for addressing those gaps.


Drata automates your compliance journey from start to audit-ready and beyond and provides support from the security and compliance experts who built it.


Vanta helps you prove customers can trust you with their data, propels you to get compliant, manage risk, and show off your security - so you can focus on building and selling.

Compliance Scorecard

With insights and solutions tailored to MSPs, Compliance Scorecard streamlines everything from the governance management process to help you meet compliance standards.

Pentest to Audit Cyber Compliance Services. We take you to CMMC, ISO 27001, SOC2 or HIPAA compliance and more effortlessly!

Compliance Library

We craft your compliance documentation library.

Compliance Strategy

Stop reacting to compliance assessment fires.

Data Flow

Build and keep a safe and sound data flow diagram.

Data Inventory

Cataloging data assets for a complete inventory.

DPO as a Service

Data protection officer outsourcing.

Security Awareness

The best defense is a good offense.

Privacy Compliance

Ensuring adherence to data protection regulations.

Compliance Inbox

We handle compliance related communications.