We are ENABLING our customers to close deals with Fortune 500 companies like:

We are ENABLING our customers to close deals with Fortune 500 companies like:


Goodbye AI Compliance Stress.
Hello Streamlined Path to EU AI Act Compliance.

Scoped by AI

Scopes your AI systems to ensure thorough compliance with EU regulations.

Manual Penetration Test

Experienced pentesters validate AI system adherence to privacy and security standards.

Remediation Roadmap

Receive clear, actionable guidance tailored to ensure ongoing compliance with the EU AI Act.

Continuous Compliance

Ensure your AI systems remain compliant with evolving regulations.


Goodbye AI Compliance Stress.
Hello Streamlined EU AI Act Compliance.

Don't wait weeks to get your pentest started, only to get automated scan reports. Securily starts your pentest right away with in-house Certified Pentesters.

Scoped by AI

Scopes your AI systems to ensure thorough compliance with EU regulations.

Manual Penetration Test

Experienced pentesters validate AI system adherence to privacy and security standards.

Remediation Roadmap

Receive clear, actionable guidance tailored to ensure ongoing compliance with the EU AI Act.

Continuous Compliance

Ensure your AI systems remain compliant with evolving regulations.

How Often Do You Update Your AI Connected Apps?

Keep Your Compliance Current with Every Update.

We see pentesting as just the beginning of your continuous compliance journey.

Findings Analyzed
Satisfaction Guaranteed

Here are some of the common findings we see between deployments

Cybersecurity for AI

AI-specific vulnerabilities, including unauthorized data access and AI model tampering.

Data Protection in AI Operations

Applications that work with third-party AI and handle data insecurely.


Falling out of compliance with EU AI regulations, inadequate documentation.


Falling out of compliance with EU AI regulations, inadequate documentation.


Securily User Experience

For Leaders in Companies Using Third-Party AI Services

  • Protect Your Data and Customer Trust

    Data integrity and security are paramount in systems enhanced by third-party AI services like LMS. We help you protect your data and customer trust.

  • Uphold Your Reputation with Compliant AI Use

    A breach or non-compliance issue in third-party AI can significantly impact your reputation. Our AI Compliance Pentest ensures your AI systems are compliant.

  • Gain a Competitive Edge with Compliant AI Solutions

    Use compliance as a strategic asset in negotiations and partnerships. Secure and close deals with confidence, knowing your AI tools are both powerful and compliant.

Your Security Headers Analysis